Parenting is riddled with "Limiting Beliefs" and so I ask ...
Does any of this sound familiar? "Parenting is hard" "I have to be hard on them. Otherwise, this place would be a zoo" "It's great he likes art and all, but what's he going to do with that as he gets older?" "Hey, what are you thinking? Money doesn't grow on trees!" "Sorry kiddo, life's not easy. Get used to it."
So, what exactly is a Limiting Belief? These are general beliefs about the world, your environment and situation, and the people around you that stand in your way.
More often than not, we accept a limiting belief as true because we've learned it from someone else, or from an "authority" - most often our parents, school/social settings, media, etc. As a result we assume that this belief is "just the way it is."
Our beliefs create our reality and so these beliefs can either help or hinder us. If we do not believe something is possible, then we are more likely not going to try it. Or, if we do try it, we are often not bought into our own intentions behind the effort and so our attempt ends up flopping.
Of course, this is no different for our children and I'm sure you can already recall a time this week where this showed up in your home. Our beliefs on what it means to be a parent and how to parent unavoidably get passed on to our children. In fact, I'm sure many of us can relate to how some of our own limiting beliefs have come from our rearing and even became the family motto when growing up. Perhaps we can even see it taking shape in our current families. What beliefs set limits to your life and that of your child(ren)? How do these beliefs shape your relationship with your child(ren) as you co-create their beliefs? How can we challenge these limiting beliefs? There are several things we can do for both ourselves and our children. 1. Identify your answers to the two questions above 2. Where did I get this belief(s) from? / Where did my child get their belief(s) from? 3. Explore and identify the effects the beliefs have had on your life 3. Look for proof of the beliefs truth (or lack of proof) Once you overcome limiting beliefs, they can no longer serve as your invisible ceiling. However, the most vulnerable question of all is your willingness to shatter this ceiling and its beliefs. Are you a Yes, No or Maybe? When you're a firm and committed YES! then we can totally create new beliefs for ourselves and our children so we can achieve what our heart so desires. Make no mistake ... this takes time to cultivate within ourselves, self-discipline to interrupt the old scripts that do not serve us, self-reflection on how things are showing up for us day to day, and follow through so we can be more consistent and conscious in our parenting. Have questions? Want to jump on a call ? Curious about what you've read or heard? Drop Me a Note and let's chat! |
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